Hello! I am Karrenthya Simmons, and I humbly ask you to support me in the race for ANC 3/4G SMD 05 Commissioner.

As a professional and a mother, I am excited to contribute a fresh and logical perspective to the ANC, and I look forward to working cooperatively, calmly, and collaboratively to guide positive change for all of us!

I am running for the ANC because giving back to my community is one of my core values, and Chevy Chase DC is the community in which I have chosen to raise my son. I want to make sure the ANC has a sensible balance that addresses the needs of new residents and younger families, along with those who have been in the community for years. Finally, I also want to make sure the ANC has thoughtful, committed representation for those living in apartments.

Civic Core Site Development

I support development at the civic core site to include a new state-of-the art library and community center with the same if not more green space for active and passive activities. I also believe that using the District-owned land for 100% affordable housing at the site is a great opportunity for the District and our neighborhood.


I support WMATA expanding public transportation in ANC 3/4G so residents can have accessible and reliable bus service.

Bike Lanes

I support bike lanes, but I am interested in working with those for and against bike lanes to develop a solution that works best for residents in our ANC.

Affordable Housing

I support affordable housing in ward 3 and at the civic core site. I have been a recipient of public and affordable housing and cannot stress enough the importance of people having home security. I would like to see affordable housing at the civic core site for all (families, seniors, and single individuals).


I support keeping all residents, especially children, safe from exposure to toxic materials. This issue expands beyond the new field being built on the Episcopal Center for Children site and I would like to see more support toward a solution in the District that removes toxic chemicals in our green spaces.


I support working with all members of SMD 05, 3/4G ANC, and the city to ensure a positive quality of life for all in the District. I want to work with all stakeholders to ensure there is an opportunity for everyone’s voice to be heard as we seek to improve our neighborhood and city.